The FASTEST Way to Learn AWE!
Next live class: Tues, Feb 18th, 2025 at 8:30pm EST, 5:30pm PST
Discover the Magic of Automatic Writing!
Access Higher Intelligence, Vibrate at a Higher Frequency, and Get the Highest Level Guidance for ALL areas of your life!
Welcome to AWE!
The Online Course:
The Automatic Writing Experience (AWE) is a powerful technology, once only available to prophets and sages, to help you connect with the other side of the veil.
Learn how to drop into a trance-like state where you communicate with Angels, Guides, or simply your intuitive Inner Wisdom, PLUS loved ones on the other side for peace, understanding, and guidance far beyond the thinking mind.
In essence, you gain the wisdom of a mystic.
Experience the Life-Changing Benefits of AWE
- Never Feel Alone Again - Connect to Angels, Spirit Guides, and Higher Dimensional Beings - whatever you call your Divine Inner Wisdom.
- Discover your Purpose, Path, and Direction or Get Unstuck - You’ll even find your soul contract from the other side of the “veil”.
- Find Greater Peace - by connecting with a grounding power and well-spring of strength deep within your Soul. You’ll even eliminate subconscious wounds.
- Gain Boundless Energy - as you get in alignment or attunement with the highest energy in the Universe.
- Get Instant Answers to your most Pressing Questions - you now have a tool for instant communication with the other side
- Communicate with “Lost” Loved Ones - learn how to channel and hear from those that have crossed over, any time you desire.
- Discover an Incredible Power to Manifest - AWE helps you attract what you desire, or something even better, often beyond your wildest dreams!
- Have your own Personal Assistant or Coach - helping organize and guide you in all areas of your life, from the other side!
It’s called AWE because of the state of joy and wonder you get when you plug in!

As taught in the #1 Amazon Best-Seller in Angels and Spirit Guides:
I wrote AWE with the intention of creating a manual for connecting with the Divine for guidance, manifestation, healing, and especially rewiring your subconscious.
And after witnessing thousands of lives being transformed by AWE, I immediately knew that I needed to create an immersive online experience to provide you with even more support for your journey with AWE.
So please join me and I'll guide you step by step on how to tap in, receive guidance, and discover the magical world that's already present in the here and now.
AWE is the #1 transformational tool I teach all of my clients. Step by step you'll be guided through a powerful, proven process to tune into your Inner Wisdom whenever you need it. - Michael Sandler
How the Automatic Writing Experience Works
The process is simple, but the results it brings are extraordinary.
You simply sit down, slip into a quiet, comfortable state, put pen to paper and allow the words to flow.
You need not be a meditator, nor zen-buddhist monk, but following very simple specific exercises and prayers, your mind drifts off, and opens space for words to come.
Quite quickly, your intuition, or quite literally, Angels and Spirit Guides begin to speak to you, offering amazing new ideas, insights, and direction for your life’s unique path, almost like magic.
The inspired guidance that flows through you is channeled from a higher dimension: a source of Infinite Love, Wisdom and Intelligence that wants to give you the guidance you need to experience AWE-inspiring breakthroughs and immediate progress in your life
Simply put: Automatic Writing will tune you in to the clearest guidance to live your most aligned, inspired and AWE-some life.
THIS IS FOR ME!I'm Michael Sandler, and Here's what I know about AWE...
For nearly a decade, AWE has been my window to another world, beyond anything I ever imagined. This simple, yet powerful channeling technique has completely transformed every aspect of my life!
It helped me to start a show, write books, and teach a School of Mystics. It even saved my marriage – literally, everything good has come out of AWE.
And I’ve seen the lives of countless others transformed right before my eyes. I know it will work for you too, which is exactly why I created this course–and especially our live classes!
So buckle up! You’re about to dive into a state of AWE, and discover the joy of Automatic Writing :)
The technology behind AWE is the exact reason I’ve been able to create tangible, lasting transformation in my life!

Hear From Some of Our Students...
The purpose of automatic writing was not a way for me to get all the right answers from some mystical figure from up above. It is a way for me to get answers from deep within me, by shutting off the noise and understanding how I really feel.
- Charlene B
Automatic writing has been a game-changer for me. I especially have found it helpful when I’ve had big decisions to make. For example, earlier in the year, when I had a new job opportunity that I was very indecisive about, I really dove into the automatic writing and it was amazing how after a few days of this, the clarity to make the decision to accept the job opportunity came naturally.
- Martin A
The Automatic Writing Experience
Plug in to Spirit to discover greater purpose, direction, and peace in your life!

- 8 Core Video-Based Modules
- Monthly Live Classes (Unique Theme Each Month)
- A Thriving Online Community
- Bite-sized, easy to digest lessons
- Powerful rituals, prayers and practices
- Tools for manifestation, abundance, and alchemy
- Secrets for communicating with lost loved ones, and guides
The Core Curriculum...
The Automatic Writing Experience Has 8 Core Modules To Accelerate Your Journey In Uncovering More Meaning, Purpose and Clarity on the Personal or Professional Goals That Matter Most To You.
Setting Up Your Ideal Environment
Learn the best ways to set up your environment (from your cushion, room, journal and more) to quiet your mind, connect with your inner-wisdom and call in answers fast.

Using Rituals With Invocation & Prayer
Learn powerful practices, to call in assistance and get the answers you’re looking for fast, through the most efficient prayers, statements, and powerful rituals.
Starting the Dialogue With Your Inner Guides
Through AWE you develop a dialogue and relationship with your inner wisdom or guides. Learn how to begin this communication, what to say, and how to say it, to get the fastest, clearest guidance and answers. And how to discern what's coming from you, or from your ego--and even what to do when EGO is speaking loud and clear.

Sometimes the answers just aren't coming. In our trouble-shooting section you'll quickly find out why, what to do about it, and ways to take your Automatic Writing to an entirely new level. Think of troubleshooting as an opportunity in disguise.
Using Automatic Writing to Get Unstuck
Learn how to directly ask why you may be blocked, what you need to learn, and the fastest ways to get unstuck. There's a spiritual or inner-solution to everything, and when you tap in through AWE you'll learn how to go from idle to high gear, AND in the direction you want to go.

How to Raise Your Vibration With Automatic Writing
If you want greater happiness, manifestation, and synchronicity in your life, then you want to vibrate at the highest state you can! Through AWE you'll learn how to drop the negativity and negative thoughts fast, and train your mind to become a positivity junkie. You'll not only attract more positive events into your life, but positive people too--and greater abundance!!!
The Law of Attraction & Automatic Writing for Manifestation
Become an alchemist and learn how to work on the other side of the "veil.” In AWE, you'll discover how to work in the "hypnagogic" state, or the half-here, half-not here state where you can create in the shortest time possible. It's where the likes of Thomas Edison, Salvador Dali, and many of the greats have pulled genius, and manifestation, almost out of thin air.

Automatic Writing for Channeling, Mediumship & Tapping Into Higher Consciousness
Learn how to tap into Source, Archangels, and your guides. The more you practice, the louder your Inner Guidances becomes, and the more clearly you can hear your Guides, and even loved ones from the other side of the veil. You don't need a shaman or medium. All you need is commitment to the daily practice of AWE.
Discover a New Theme Each Month!
Join me LIVE each month and I'll share a powerful new application for AWE. Past themes include:

- Dream Interpretation through AWE
- Discover Your Purpose, Path and Direction Through AWE
- Invite More Sweetness Into Your Life Through AWE
- Manifestation Through AWE
- Eliminating Anxiety, Blocks, and Fear Through AWE
- Connecting with Past Loved Ones Through AWE
- Finding Peace Through AWE
- Learn to Channel Your Angels and Guides Through AWE

Plus Three Incredible Bonuses...
All of these bonuses are designed to enhance your experience and results while going through the Automatic Writing Experience:
Theta Brainwave Entrainment Music for Automatic Writing
Theta brain entrainment music helps you quickly get into the most creative, plugged-in state to communicate with your inner-wisdom or guides. You'll find a generous collection of binaural beats, theta brain entrainment music to help block out distractions, tune in, and get in the most powerful brainwave state for AWE. Flip on the music, and you'll quickly find yourself in a monk-like state.

Delta Brainwave Entrainment Music for Better Sleep
Not only will you get theta brainwave entrainment music to help you plug in fast, but bonus delta brainwave entrainment music pieces to help you fall asleep with ease. The easier we sleep, the more rested and relaxed we are through the day, and the easier it is to dive into your AWE practice (often done early in the morning or late at night). This music will help you sleep faster and wake more rested and refreshed. Ahhhhh.
Guided Meditations to Prepare Your Mind for Automatic Writing
Learn how to quiet the mind fast! To dive into AWE, and hear your inner wisdom, it helps to have a quiet mind. That can be very challenging today. However, you don't need to be a monk, guru or sage to discover the inner peace to dive in fast. Instead you'll be armed with the simplest, easiest meditations possible to quiet the mind, and dive into AWE!

"Wouldn't it be nice to consult a source of infinite wisdom when faced with a life-changing decision? That's exactly what Michael Sandler shows you how to do in The Automatic Writing Experience, using the apt acronym of AWE. He shows you how to set aside your worried, logical, limited mind, and connect with wellsprings of wisdom far below the level of conscious awareness."
–Dawson Church, award-winning author of Bliss Brain: The Neuroscience of Remodeling Your Brain for Resilience, Creativity and Joy.

- You feel a tug to connect with Spirit but you don’t know how.
- You feel stuck, lost, or simply need to know which way to turn.
- You’ve gone as far as you can with the thinking mind (or perhaps keep hitting a wall), and KNOW there has to be a better way.
- You simply want to live a more Spirit-lead, Spirit-Driven life.

"Michael is a powerhouse of information to change your life in ways that are emotional and physical, especially when you have been faced with any kind of hardship or struggle. His knowledge and tool chest is not just one thing, but many that have already brought peace, newfound strength and inspiration to the ones that need it the most."
–Anthony William, #1 New York Times best selling author and the originator of the global celery juice movement.
Frequently Asked Questions?

Will The Automatic Writing Experience work for me?
Is the Automatic Writing Experience fully online?
It sounds like a lot of work. Is it going to be too hard?
I’m not sure if I have enough time to do this.
What if I’m not a good writer?
What if I don’t have any good ideas?
What if I have writer’s block?
What if I give up during the course?
Even More Success Stories...
Through automatic writing, I was able to find clarity in my life, focus my jumbled thoughts, and quickly work through emotional issues. As a person who is constantly cooking up new ideas and has my hands in many pots, the use of automatic writing and list building has been a great way for me to reduce my anxiety and stay on task. I am now able to be laser-focused and achieve more in a day than ever before.
And not to mention, I am happier than I have ever been. This practice allows me to clearly think through dilemmas, shrug off dramas, keep calm, be happy and stay goal-oriented.
- Rita C
The common theme was that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, that things are happening exactly as they were supposed to, and to trust my intuition and my psychic abilities.
The words "intuition" and "psychic" were being repeated over and over, and that was certainly new for me, but exactly what I needed to hear. So, it was a combination of automatic writing, prayer and following my intuition, which brought me to where I am today. I do feel very strongly that I am where I am supposed to be right now.
- Marijana J

My Invitation to You...
Dive into AWE with everything you've got!
For when you build a long-standing relationship with AWE, you can't help but cultivate your kindness, wisdom, and compassion for yourself and everyone around you.
Change your life, change the lives of those around you, and you could quite literally be changing the planet. For your highest good, and the highest good of all - or something better.